Senior School Teachers - Does any of this sound familiar?
Some of your students have difficulty motivating themselves to do regular homework, leave assignments to the last minute and have trouble prioritising school work over (potentially too many hours of) part time work, socialising and social networking/gaming.
Some of your students get extremely stressed about grades, exams and school work. They stay up all night, worry excessively and instead of talking to teachers about it - end up avoiding school and and/or having "melt downs" or big emotional reactions. More than a few have genuine and tough mental health and home life challenges.
Some of your students leave test and exam revision to the last minute, passively read text books on their bed hoping that the information will magically go into their brains.
Some of your students are "addicted" to social media/phones/texting and being online generally. Their sometimes unhelpful use of technology means they struggle to stay focussed and complete homework in a timely manner (to say nothing of the social challenges it can sometimes cause).
Some of your students do really well - but have very high expectations of themselves and would benefit from some extra ideas about maximising their time and managing their huge workloads.
You have tried to help your students understand concepts about effective study and managing stress and tough times - but they need "another voice" to explain it to them, back it up with scientific research and give them practical ideas to start
You don't want students to exposed to another "one off seminar" from an outside speaker which might be entertaining but doesn't have any follow up for them - or have any practical strategies they can implement.
If any of this sounds familiar, please read on.
"Brain Training for Teens” is a year-long program for secondary school students run by Adelaide based psychologists - to help them get their best results in senior school. We have worked in over 100 schools, with over 50 thousand students, over 15 years.
Adolescent Brain Training Program 2023: 30 second overview
Our program consists of the following elements:
· Three engaging 40-50 minute student seminars (run for an entire year level) conducted by our clinical psychologists - to teach students the skills they need to motivate themselves, cope with stress and get organised (see below for what students learn in each seminar);
· Follow up reminder letters from our psychs to your students - so they don't forget what they heard in the seminar;
· A parent/caregiver seminar run by the psychologists to help parents know how to support, talk to and coach (and not rescue!) their teens in Year 11 and 12 (can be swapped to be a Year 7 parent/caregiver seminar instead if desired);
· Follow letters sent to parents/caregivers after the seminar to keep them informed of the training being provided to their students and so they can similarly reinforce messages to students so everyone is “on the same page”
· Materials/worksheets/activity ideas for teachers to use through the year as follow up (either with individual students who need it, or with a class group);.
What material is covered in the Three Student Seminars?
We use recent, psychological research which explains exactly how to get the best results without necessarily having to do "numerous hours" of study every day. Each seminar also has to pass the "now what" test - in other words, students should leave the seminar and be able to immediately implement some behaviour change which helps them get a little more organised and motivated.
As well as having relevant content, we know that teens need relatively fast paced presentations, with story telling, humour and video. We have designed the presentation so that the majority of students (there's always a few we just can't impress!) are engaged and interested throughout.
Seminar One: Self Regulated Learning – Designed for Term 1
In this seminar, students learn about the research behind self regulated learning behaviours and the link between these behaviours and higher levels of academic achievement and higher levels of well-being. They are taught specific self regulated learning behaviours which include:
Strategies to organise and plan their time
How to avoid multi-tasking/low concentration behaviours and increase focus
Strategies to avoid procrastination
Avoiding traps with technology interfering with study
Becoming more efficient in homework sessions,
Becoming more independent learners
Becoming more adept at thinking and planning ahead (and setting study related goals for each study session).
Past comments made by students regarding this seminar:
· It was good that we were told how, the best way to study, not just that we should study.
· You can relate to us! Plus you made it fun, and made me laugh.
· This made me really think about my study habits.
· I learnt how to get more organised and it was effective and to the point.
· This has opened my eyes to different methods of study and organisation.
· This showed me how to be self-motivated.
Seminar Two: Active Learning and Revision (How to remember and learn concepts long term) – Designed for Term 2
In this seminar, students learn more self regulated learning behaviours - but in this seminar, those specially associated with deeper levels of learning and memory strategies. We discuss how to:
Retain information – whether it be names, dates, concepts, facts or ideas;
Spot the difference between "comprehension" and "memory"
Stop revising or learning in ineffective ways (“shallow/easy” learning skills);
Stop procrastinating over revision and prioritise it appropriately;
Find strategies for revision and deep learning which work for them
Notice "fast brain" thinking and slow down and work to understand an idea.
Past comments made by students regarding this seminar:
· I believe I will do better in exams now
· I really liked learning about revision and methods for revision and learning
· I think all year 11s and 12s everywhere should attend so they know what they are up for and how to do well in tests
I've actually started studying for exams now, rather than leaving it till holidays.
· Thankyou - I’m not so scared of exams now!
Seminar Three: Calm and Confident: Managing Stress and Tough Times – Designed for Term 3
In this seminar, students learn how to:
Be aware of the "normality" of tough times and tough emotions
Recognise warning signs of stress, depression and worry;
Cope with everyday worry and stress – and how to manage when distress gets higher;
Develop strategies such as "redirection of attention", "generating calm thoughts", "slowing their breathing/physiological arousal levels" and others - which help with stress management
Avoid destructive strategies (eg avoidance) sometimes used by teens to cope with tough times
To understand what their brains are doing when they feel mad, sad or worried, what they can do in response and the importance of asking for help.
Cope with both school and exam pressures, and also "non school" stressors – peer problems, relationship break-ups, conflict with parents or siblings, feelings of self worthlessness, mental health problems and others.
Past comments made by students regarding this seminar:
· This has helped me calm down about Year 12 and understand that you can get on top of things.
· This made my remember that I CAN do it - not just on an academic level but on a personal level as well.
· This was a great way to start Year 12.
. Unlike other times I've heard people talk about this, there are some strategies you told us I'm actually going to use. Thankyou
· Kirrilie’s session was the best thing about the orientation day, it really helped me.
“I would definitely recommend this seminar to other schools, they improve your grades and you don’t have to do extra hours of homework. ”
“• This program has made me consider some different strategies to help me complete work and revise well. I’d definitely recommend them. ”
“This program benefitted me and people around me greatly also. Many of the things that were spoken about related to me directly. I learned more about myself and how to deal with my personal problems. I also went home and told all my siblings about your tips so that they knew what to do for revising and all that also. ”
“I really took some of the tips - that really related to my study habits or coping skills - on board and they have helped me improve/cope better in the areas I needed. The seminars are interactive and modern – and enjoyable. ”
What about Parents/carers?
Parents and carers of senior school students make a huge difference to their success and coping through the year. Unfortunately, many parents/carers struggle to know exactly how to effectively help their students – especially in difficult times, or when conflict or stress hits the family. The Adolescent Brain Training package therefore also provides parent/carer education and support. First, we run a parent/carer education seminar for each school, “Helping Students through Senior School” and over a 45-75 minute workshop period teach parents:
· How to communicate effectively with teens
· Helping young people with homework - without rescuing or nagging!
· Most common pitfalls in dealing with a Year 11 or 12 student
· Helping teens get more sleep
· Supporting teens who stress out
· And others…
We often finish with a question and answer session and parents/carers benefit from hearing other parents’ experiences.
Feedback from parent/carer seminars in the past has been excellent:
· “There was lots of of information, it was extremely worthwhile and challenging”
· “Great to feel we were doing things right"
· "Lots of practical suggestions"
· "I learnt more about how to talk to my daughter"
· "Was terrific to hear from a presenter who was so positive about teenagers"
As well as a parent/caregiver seminar, we also provide detailed, helpful follow up letters to remind parents/carers about the work the school is doing to support their student and to assist them to be providing the same messages to students.
What about follow up?
Our Adolescent Brain Training package also includes a curriculum pack with all the materials required for staff to run three forty five minute follow-up lessons at some point after the seminar. Each of these three follow up lessons are designed to support and reinforce the messages in each of the three student seminars. They consist of student worksheets, discussion topics and activities. Each homegroup/pastoral care group/mentor group teacher receives a copy of a manual which provides a step by step guide to facilitating these lessons.
If the school does not have the time/resources to run these lessons, a "quick discussion question guide" is also provided so that teachers are provided with ideas to start conversations on the seminar topics in any time they might have with individual students.
“These presentations make a positive difference. They know they aren’t alone, they know there are strategies. Extremely helpful. The reassuring nature..the anecotes and real life examples. I would recommend these seminars for other schools. ”
“These seminars are great. Gives the students great, practical advice. Gives them lots of ideas/methods and explains why. Lets them choose what to use. Fits in with what we are saying as well.”
What other follow up is there?
Several weeks after each seminar, students are also sent a letter from our psychologists which reminds, encourages and reinforces the content in the seminars. This happens three times during the year and again serves to reinforce and remind students of how they can achieve their best grades, in a consistent, ongoing way.
What is the Cost?
The 2024 price for Brain Training for Teens is $3350 plus GST. This cost includes: All seminars, parent support, email support, curriculum pack, and follow up letters. If preferred, instead of running the whole package - schools can just book Individual seminars at a cost of $1250 plus GST for each seminar.
“All aspects of the presentation were important and relevant as they encouraged students to reflecton their behaviurs and what could be changed for the better. I would absolutely yes recommend these to other schools. There is a lot covered and quickly.”
We have worked with over 50 thousand students in the last 15 years. To see the list of the more than 100 public, independent and catholic schools in SA and interstate who have booked the brain training program and other seminars through Developing Minds, click on the button below.
Want more information or to make a booking?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or would like to make a booking. You can email me directly on or call our admin team on 8357 1711.
Please note that as all of our seminars are run by three of our psychologists, we unfortunately have limited resources - meaning we have to go on a "first in, best dressed" basis for dates. The most popular times for seminars are the first 3 weeks of school - so if you would like one of these dates, it's usually important to have a booking made by end of October.
P.S. – If you don’t want to make a booking this year but would like some (free) tips, resources and ideas in supporting your senior schools, please click here to to my email newsletter on the right of this page