Child/adolescent therapy basics and beyond (CATBB):

Short learning modules for working therapeutically with children and adolescents

What:  Unlike clinical supervision which is usually designed to be interactive, reflective, individual client focused and of longer duration - Child Adolescent Therapy Basics and Beyond training program is a series of weekly, brief, instructional modules (conducted via Zoom) which provide didactic training in the most important concepts in working with children and adolescents (and their families). 

Taken as a whole over a 12 month period, they are designed to provide a comprehensive training program for already registered therapists (psychologists) in working with children and families.

Conducted by:  At this stage, Kirrilie Smout (clinical psychologist having worked with families for 25 years, and previous course co-ordinator, Child Psychopathology at the University of SA) is providing all training modules.

When:  Training is held via zoom each week or fortnight (between 12 and 2pm on either Monday, Tues, Wed or Thursdays). 

Who should attend:  At this stage, only Developing Minds clinicians (or provisional psychologists on placement at Developing Minds) are able to attend.


1.      Assessment – important topics, principles and strategies of assessment with primary aged children

2.      Assessment – important topics, principles and strategies of assessment with parents/caregivers

3.      “5 minute” end of session case formulation and treatment planning (making it work in private practice) when working with families

4.      Session time management and agenda setting

5.      Collaborative monitoring and troubleshooting progress in therapy with caregivers and young people

6.    Psycho-education about parents role in therapy

7.      Homework setting and non compliance with children and young people

8.      Planning breaks or ending of therapy with caregivers and young people

9.      Management of children’s emotional dysregulation and disruptive behaviour in the therapy room

10.  Recognising the causes of parental/caregiver distress (and criticism of children) in the therapy room

11.  Why/How Using warmth/empathy with parents/caregivers

12.  Using praise/affirmation with parents/caregivers

13.  Legal/ethical aspects of working with separated families

14.  Anxiety disorders in children/teens – definitions and prevalence

15.  Evidence based treatment for anxiety in children

16.  Components and Formats of CBT for anxiety in children - what works and for whom

17.  Using Exposure with Children with Anxiety - Pt 1 Theory and Research

18.  Using Exposure with Children with Anxiety - Pt 2 Practical Strategies

19.  Using Relaxation Training with children with anxiety – overview and research

20.  Introducing psycho-education about thoughts, feelings and situations for children with anxiety

21.  Helping children/teens identify thinking mistakes

22.  Helping children/teens create calm sentences

23.  Helping children/teens defuse from worried thoughts/feelings

24.  Helping children/teens shift attention away from worried thoughts/feelings

25.  Separation Anxiety - Part One

26.  Separation Anxiety - Part Two

27.  Overview of supporting children/teens with OCD

28.  Using ERP with children/teens with OCD

29.  Overview of parent interventions for children/teens with anxiety

30.  Incorporating neurodiversity principles into talking with/treating autistic children/teens

31.  Using behavioural activation principles with kids/teens

32.  Practical treatment components for children managing grief

33.  Overview of common treatment elements in trauma based approaches for children/teens

34.  Talking about diagnoses (as a ‘non-diagnostician therapist’) with children/teens and families

35.  Managing parental conflict in the therapy room

36.  Psychologists role in helping children/teens with peer relationships and social skills

37.  Helping children/young people develop conversation skills

38.  Helping children/young people develop conflict management and negotiation skills

39.  Helping children develop prosocial (“kind”) behaviours according to their values/needs/preferences

40.  Supporting young people with attention/concentration difficulties

41.  Brief overview of strategies to help children/teens with sleep

42.  Using skill and knowledge gaps as a framework for understanding challenging behaviour (CPS approach)

43.  Helping families use collaborative problem solving models

44.  Challenging Behaviour in Childhood - Prevalence, Risk Factors, Diagnoses and Other Important Facts for Professionals

45.  Oppositional and challenging behaviours in children – evidence based interventions overview

46.  Triggers and Proximal Causes of Challenging Behaviour

47.  Providing Psychoeducation about anger and frustration to younger children

48.  Helping children notice thinking mistakes (eg hostile bias) involved in anger/frustration difficulties

49.  Helping children use cool thoughts - perspective taking, empathy thoughts

50.  Helping children use predict and problem solving skills for anger/frustration in advance

51.  Helping children use distraction and redirection of attention as a strategy for managing frustration