Working with Children with Mental, Emotional and Behavioural Health Challenges in Primary School Settings  

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Increasing numbers of children are being recognised or diagnosed as experiencing mental, emotional and behaviour challenges such as ASD, ADHD, trauma, attachment problems, anxiety and depression - and symptoms related to these diagnoses.  

This seminar is designed is for those professionals who work with children with these challenges in primary school settings - classroom teachers, well-being co-ordinators, school counsellors, learning support officers and others working within schools.  The seminar will provide ideas and resources for how to support these children effectively.

For more information please read on.

What are the learning outcomes expected? 

Who struggles with what exactly?  The seminar will outline the most common emotional /behavioural/social/ mental health challenges for primary children in Australia, what these are, the prevalence of these disorders in different age, gender and socio-econonic groups

What has changed over the last few decades?   The seminar will outline the key changes in social/mental health conditions over time, which problems are increasing, which are decreasing and the possible causes of increases/decreases in various diagnoses.

What can we do to support children?  Learn the emotional first aid strategies which can be used to support children and their parents/caregivers with anxiety, challenging behaviour. social challenges - in the classroom settings, or with small groups/individual children in a primary school context.  This seminar will cover practical strategies (questions to ask, activities to try, statements to use) rather than extensive time spent on theoretical approaches.

Who is the presenter? 
Kirrilie Smout, Clinical Psychologist who has worked with children and their families for the last 24 years, has written three books about children and teen's emotional well-being, and is the director of Developing Minds, a child and adolescent psychology clinic providing services to 200 families each week.

Time/Date: Wednesday 8th August,
From 3:30pm (for registration and afternoon tea) for a prompt 4:00pm start - finishing at 6:15pm.

Place: Resource Centre at Concordia College,
St John’s Campus
20 Highgate Street Highgate

(If unsure, come to Concordia College, St. John's campus and we will direct you to the Resource Centre)

Cost:  $45 Per Person (payable by credit card on the day, or ask for an invoice to be emailed to you)

RSVP (please note places are limited so RSVPs are essential thankyou):