Individual Seminar Topics for Teens

Self Regulated Learning

Students who are most successful at school are students who are self regulated learners. Research suggested that SRL behaviours are associated with higher academic achievement AND higher levels of well being. There are a range of SRL behaviours but in general those who use these are more likely to:

  • Make the best use of their time,

  • Know how to motivate themselves

  • Can resist distractions

  • Have short and long term goals

  • Feel positive about their ability to learn

In this presentation we introduce self regulated learning behavious research to students. We teach them how to organise their time, become more efficient in homework sessions, become more independent learners and more adept at thinking and planning ahead.

This presentation which incorporates interesting psychological research which explains not only the specific strategies to use, but the research behind them. It includes practical and useful suggestions students can implement immediately.

Past comments made by students regarding this module:

  • It was good that we were told how, the best way to study, not just that we should study

  • Kirrilie helped me get into the mindset to do work.

  • You are young - you can relate to us! Plus you made it fun, and made me laugh.

  • This made me really think about my study habits

  • I learnt how to get more organised and it was effective and to the point

  • This has opened my eyes to different methods of study and organisation

  • This has helped me calm down about Year 12 and understand that you can get on top of things.

  • This made me remember that I CAN do it - not just on an academic level but on a personal level as well.

  • Kirrilie showed me how to be self-motivated

  • This was a great way to start Year 12.

This session generally runs for approximately 45 -55 minutes. Follow-up lesson plans to this seminar (to be used in smaller home groups and co-ordinated by teachers) are also available.  

This seminar is suitable for Year 11 and 12 year levels (a mature, high achieving Year 10 group may be an appropriate audience, please contact Kirrilie to discuss).

This seminar is also part of the Brain Training for Teens package, for information about this package click here: Brain Training for Teens

Active Learning and Revision (How to remember and learn concepts long term) – Designed for Term 2

In this seminar, students learn more self regulated learning behaviours - but in this seminar, those SRL behaviours which are specially associated with deeper levels of learning and memory strategies. We discuss how to:

  • Retain information – whether it be names, dates, concepts, facts or ideas;

  • Spot the difference between "comprehension" and "memory"

  • Stop revising or learning in ineffective ways (“shallow/easy” learning skills);

  • Stop procrastinating over revision and prioritise it appropriately;

  • Find strategies for revision and deep learning which work for them

  • Notice "fast brain" thinking and slow down and work to understand an idea.

I just wanted to touch base and thank you again for your presentation this morning, it was fantastic! The feedback I have had from staff and students has been extremely positive and I am sure it will be very beneficial towards the students achieving as best possible result as the year progresses.
— Patrick Harmer, Nazareth College

Past comments made by students regarding this module:

  • I believe I will do better in exams now

  • I really liked learning about revision and methods for revision

  • I think all year 10s and 11s should attend so they know what they are up for the next year

  • Thankyou - I’m not so scared now!

This session generally runs for approximately 45 minutes. Follow-up lesson plans to this seminar (to be used in smaller home groups and co-ordinated by teachers) are also available.

This seminar is suitable for Year 11 and 12 year levels.

This seminar is also part of the Brain Training for Teens package, for information about this package click here: Brain Training for Teens

Calm and Confident: Managing Stress and Tough Times 

Studies show that more than 1/3 of secondary school students in Australia experience high levels of stress, anxiety and depression at some point during the year.    For some, their stress is related to exams and assignments.  For others, it is related to struggles with friends, family, sleep, relationship problems and mental health struggles.

This seminar teaches students how to cope with difficult emotions - stress, sadness, worry, frustration and anxiety - both those emotions related to study as well as those related to life struggles.  We talk about how to cope with all kinds of emotions, what happens in our brains and bodies in tough times - what NOT to do (no avoiding, escaping, denying, panicking) and how to get through.

We teach teens how to put in place practical stress management strategies themselves, how to lower their physiological stress levels and how to deal with difficult times calmly and effectively.

Past comments made by students regarding this seminar:

  • The seminar on stress gave me a push to get stuff done.

  • This has helped me calm down about Year 12 and understand that you can get on top of things.

  • I learnt how to deal with stress.

  • I feel like I can cope with more stuff now

This 45 minute seminar is suitable for Year 11 and 12 students.   Some Year 10 groups may also be suitable, please check with our presenters.

This seminar is also part of the Brain Training for Teens package, for information about this package click here: Brain Training for Teens

Download content for a flier for schools about this presentation

Kirrilie presented to our students, staff, and parents with relevant and engaging information for each group. Kirrilie speaks with excellent up-to-date facts and suggested practical ways to support and improve teenager’s wellbeing
— Andrew Monk, Well Being Co-ordinator, Scotch College
I just wanted to touch base and thank you again for your presentation this morning, it was fantastic! The feedback I have had from staff and students has been extremely positive and I am sure it will be very beneficial towards the students achieving as best possible result as the year progresses.
— Patrick Harmer, Nazareth College
Penny - I would like to thank you for the wonderful presentation and fantastic tips. It has helped me a lot as a learner and even in my everyday life. You presentation came across very well and helped me to relate to ideas and concepts I had not thought of before.
— Student, St Mary's College

All of the seminars listed above are available as "one off" sessions. However, they can also be grouped together into the Brain Training for Teens Package

Please note all seminars are the intellectual property of Kirrilie Smout copyright 2002 ©


We do not invoice for our seminars until after the seminar has been conducted.  If you believe we have not connected with our audience, nor provided high quality content - then please simply call us after the seminar to say you were not 100% satisfied - and we will NOT invoice you.  We are absolutely committed to providing excellent and extremely useful sessions, and therefore offer this guarantee without reservation.

To Book a Seminar...

Call our admin team on (08) 8357 1711 or email Amy directly at