Seminars for Parents and Caregivers of Teens

Wellbeing in the Adolescent years: What can caregivers do to support adolescents to maximise emotional health and manage stress and difficult times.

This seminar is designed to give parents/caregivers of adolescents confidence and skills in supporting teens to achieve positive emotional health and skills to help them deal with stress, worry and difficult times. Specific topics covered include: 

  • Understanding the prevalence and common causes of emotional health concerns, stress and anxiety in teens

  • Options for how we might build positive emotional health and resiliency in young people

    Examples are provided throughout which relate to adolescent anxiety about school attendance, perfectionism, homework completion, social relationships and others.

Supporting Students in Senior Secondary School: What parents/caregivers can do

This seminar is designed to help parents/caregivers of teenagers think about how they might support their student in Years 10, 11 and 12 (note, there is a specific variant of this seminar for parents/caregivers of Year 7 students starting secondary school) to assist with their well-being and academic achievement. Specific topics covered include:

  • Understanding the factors usually (although noting individual differences) associated with higher well-being and academic achievement of students in secondary school. For example, these include:

    • What is the research related to attendance at school, non-distracted study time and the management of distractions (including technology) during homework time?

    • What is the research related to links between sleep, exercise and nutrition - and well-being/academic performance

    • What is the research related to extra-curricular activites, part time jobs and well-being/academic performance.

  • Supporting parents to think about practical options (which might suit their family) for supporting older teens in ways which support their autonomy and grow their independence - what have other families done and tried which have helped in this area?

  • Supporting parents to have practical options about how to think about challenges with their young person in ways which reduce their own stress as much as possible - what have other families done and tried which have helped in this area?

  • Supporting parents to have practical options for how to use problem solving/collaborative conversations (including sentences which can be helpful) with young people which may help in reducing conflict or stress - what have other families done and tried which have helped in this area?

  • Supporting parents to have practical options for ‘connection strategies’ to use with their young person (in ways which suit their family needs) - what have other families done and tried which have helped in this area?

Both of the parent/caregiver seminars above run for 70-90 minutes as "stand alone" events, but shortened versions may also be possible (for example, if the presentation is part of an existing school evening)

Seminars for Parents and Caregivers of Primary aged children

Calm and Confident Kids

This seminar is designed to help parents/caregivers of primary aged children know how to support children aged 5-12 with a tendency towards worry or anxiety - or who are dealing with difficult life situations. Research tells us that what parents do can really help children feel calmer and less anxious over time.

In this seminar parents/caregivers learn practical strategies including:

  • What causes of anxiety and stress in children

  • What to say and not say when children are worried, stressed or anxious

  •  What parenting behaviours help anxious children - and which accidentally make them worse

  • How to help children take steps to act more confidently

  • How to “de-escalate” situations when children are extremely anxious or experiencing panic

  • How to help children talk more confidently to themselves rather than rely on parent reassurance

Info about this presentation for schools: Examples are provided throughout especially in relation to anxiety about school attendance, perfectionism, homework completion, separation from parents/caregivers, anxiety about how they are perceived by others. Examples are provided which relate to the 4/5 to 11 year old age groups.

This seminar is also part of the Childhood Well-being Series, for information about this package click here

Calm and Connected Kids

This seminar is designed to help parents/caregivers of primary aged/early middle school young people know how to support them to develop positive friendships and manage the normal peer difficulties which arise in this age and stage of development.

In this seminar parents/caregivers learn information and practical strategies including:

  • Why friendships and positive relationships matter for children and young people

  • The type and frequency of normal peer difficulties which occur for both boys and girls

  • How to coach children/young people to confidently, kindly and assertively manage friendship difficulties

  • When and how to intervene in more serious or ongoing conflict/exclusion situations with friends

  • How to work together with other adults/organisations (including schools) to support children to manage peer difficulties

Info about this presentation for schools: Examples are provided throughout especially in relation to social issues related to parents concerns about children experiencing social exclusion (online or in real life), children having difficulty initiating conversations and friendships and children finding social skills difficult. Examples focus on calm normalisation of social difficulties with practical ideas about how parents can support social development and respond calmly (but with empathy) and constructively. Examples are provided which relate to the 4/5 to 11/12 year old age groups.

This seminar is also part of the Childhood Well-being Series, for information about this package click here

Calm and Co-operative Kids

This seminar is designed to help parents/caregivers of primary aged children know how to support children aged 5-12 with a tendency towards frustration, difficulties managing impulses - or who find it harder to feel co-operative. Research tells us that parents/caregivers can help children gradually act more calmly, feel more co-operative and find it easier to manage big feelings and impulsivity. 

In this seminar, parents/caregivers learn practical strategies including:

  • What causes some children to experience more frustration (“big feelings”) than others - why it’s not “bad behaviour”

  • What to say and not say when children get frustrated

  •  What parenting behaviours help children learn to feel more co-operative - and which accidentally make them worse

  • How to implement rules, routines and consequences in fair, empathic and connected ways

  • How to help children act more co-operatively independently rather than rely on parent “nagging”

Info about this presentation for schools: Examples are provided throughout especially in relation to social issues related to parents concerns about children not following instructions, having big emotional reactions to disappointment and frustration. Examples are provided which relate to the 4/5 to 11/12 year old age groups.

This seminar is also part of the parents of the Child wellbeing series, for information about this package click here

All of the parent/caregiver seminars above run for 70-90 minutes as "stand alone" events, but shortened versions may also be possible (for example, if the presentation is part of an existing school evening)

The parents and staff of our schools found the seminar to be very beneficial and insightful. The information was easy to understand, coupled with practical strategies which helped parents to feel more equipped in helping their families. I would highly recommend the seminars from Developing Minds Psychology as a fantastic resource.
— Holly Taylor, Chaplain, Braeview Primary School and Happy Valley Primary School

Combined age groups

Please note that we can provide seminars only for either parents of primary aged children OR secondary age young people - as the content needs to be tailored for each group. Apologies!


We do not invoice for our seminars until after the seminar has been conducted.  If you believe we have not connected with our audience, nor provided high quality content - then please simply call us after the seminar to say you were not 100% satisfied - and we will NOT invoice you.  We are absolutely committed to providing excellent and extremely useful sessions, and therefore offer this guarantee without reservation.

Individual differences

A strong focus in all seminars for parents/caregivers is the individual differences in the needs of different children and young people have, and instead of “advice” - the provision of options - which parents/caregivers can consider and choose from in ways that suit their own family needs - as well of course as ongoing acknowledgement throughout that none of this is easy!

To Book a Seminar...

Call our admin team on (08) 8357 1711 or email Amy at