Seminars for Professionals (Teachers, Youth Workers, Counsellors and Mental health workers)
Adolescent Mental Health and Well-being
Helping professionals understand issues related to adolescent mental health, and to be aware of practical strategies to use to support young people dealing with anxiety, trauma, challenging behaviours and difficult life events
Most common mental health diagnoses, concerns and conditions for adolescents
Causal factors and influences on adolescent mental health
The most influential practical strategies in supporting adolescent with emotional and mental health concerns - in education context (for teachers/educators) or other mental health settings (for other workers)
Child Mental Health and Well Being
Helping professionals understand issues related to child mental health, and to be aware of practical strategies to use to support children (and their parents/caregivers) dealing with anxiety, trauma and challenging behaviour. Including:
Most common mental health concerns and conditions for children
Causal factors and influences on child mental health
The most influential practical strategies in supporting children (and families) with emotional and mental health concerns
Q and A
Pick your own topic and have a "Q and A" with Kirrilie about any aspect of child or adolescent development or mental health (either on a panel or own her own).
Professional Learning seminars usually run for 60-90 minutes
“10/10 Thank you for generously sharing. Honest and authentic voice.”
“I loved how Kirrilie was reassuring about the issues we deal with and how to take a step forward with them. I found it very helpful that you gave advice and tips that you use in your practice to help with students that we are able to do.”
We do not invoice for our seminars until after the seminar has been conducted. If you believe we have not connected with our audience, nor provided high quality content - then please simply call us after the seminar to say you were not 100% satisfied - and we will NOT invoice you. We are absolutely committed to providing excellent and extremely useful sessions, and therefore offer this guarantee without reservation.
To Book a Seminar...
Call our admin team on (08) 8357 1711 or email Amy directly at